Parent Information

School assemblies are held in the Gym on Friday 2pm-3pm on weeks 3, 6 and 9 of the school term. Special assemblies are sometimes held to commemorate or celebrate special events. Families are most welcome.
Assemblies provide an opportunity to showcase the learning within our school community. GEM (Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness, Emotional Literacy) awards are presented along with community awards to acknowledge student achievement and positive behaviours. Assemblies are a great way for St Agnes Students to develop their oral language and audience skills.

Dress Code
The school dress code is smart, practical and incorporates the school colours and logo. Adhering to and wearing a dress code brings about a sense of belonging and pride and helps to ensure that all students are dressed alike and identify as St Agnes students.
Items are available for purchase from the front office.
The dress code consists of
- Polo top
- Jacket
- Summer dress
- Bucket hat (to be worn 1st October-30th April for all outside activities)
Items such as black shorts/skorts/long pants can be purchased from suppliers outside of the school.
All items of clothing should be clearly labelled to assist us in being able to return ‘lost property.’
For more information, see our Dress Code Policy.

Governing Council
Parents are invited to nominate for governing council at the Annual General Meeting in Term 1 and/or join one of the council sub-committees.
The governing council is a representative group who meet twice a term to represent the whole school community in understanding local educational needs, setting broad directions and monitoring and reporting achievements.
The role of the governing council is to represent the whole school community when working collaboratively with the principal and staff to improve student learning outcomes.
The function of the governing council is to provide governance for the school, identifying educational needs of the local community and ensuring that the cultural and social diversity of the school community is considered. Governing council also develops broad site policy statements, the site budget, student safety, welfare and discipline policies.
The governing councilhas 10 members comprising of the principal, an elected staff member, a preschool staff member, a community member and 6 elected parents.
Student Health
Parents should advise the school if their child has any serious medical conditions and/ or allergies. A Health Care Management plan is required for conditions that require an urgent response. Health plans must be completed by a doctor and updated annually. Medication is stored in the front office. All medication needs to be accompanied by a medication authority form to enable St Agnes staff to administer medication.
St Agnes is a nut aware school. Please choose to send snacks that do not contain nuts.

Materials and Services Charge (School Fees)
School fees are set each year by the School Governing Council based on the recommendations of the Finance Committee. It does not include excursions, incursions, photos or clothing. Parents are asked to pay school fees by the end of first term using Qkr. Payment in instalments can be organised with the Finance Officer by calling 8263 3541.
School Card applications are encouraged via the website.

We welcome volunteers in a variety of roles at St Agnes. Volunteers support in the classrooms with reading and numeracy, in our kitchen/garden programs, on camps & excursions and on committees and fundraising events.
Volunteers have a wide range of skills and experience to offer to our students and can make a real difference as active contributors to a safe and supportive learning environment.
All Department for Education (DfE) schools are mandated to comply with the Volunteer Policy and its accompanying Procedure.
To volunteer at St Agnes a ‘volunteer application form and declaration’ needs to be completed and returned to the front office. Volunteers are then added to our skills register and notified of any opportunities to volunteer in their chosen field. The volunteer process will then begin for each volunteer.
We look forward to welcoming new and existing volunteers each year.
The Tuckshop is staffed by volunteers on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at lunch play time for snacks. Students can order lunches from Metro Canteens on Tuesday and Thursdays. Families use Qkr to order and pay for the lunch by 8am on the day required. Lunches are delivered to the school.
Policies and Procedures
Student use of Mobile Phones and Personal Devices
(PDF, 589KB)
Emergency Managment Plan
(Word, 118KB)
Excursion/Incursion Policy
(PDF, 671KB)
Communication Policy
(PDF, 809KB)
Sun Safe Policy
(PDF, 809KB)